Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Day 213

Today's Review:

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

(193) All things are lessons God would have me learn.

A lesson is a miracle which God offers to me, in place of thoughts I made that hurt me. What I learn of Him becomes the way I am set free. And so I choose to learn His lessons and forget my own.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Today's review is so powerful I don't think I'll have to add many of my own comments. When I can give up my own place in my life and leave the door open to have God lead the way, amazing things happen.

Here's a perfect example. My wonderful business partner Merrill just sent me an e-mail right now in regard to yesterday's post here. He's an amazing guy with unbelievable insight and here's what he shared with me:

"Jodee: In regard to your blog [yesterday] morning:

"The Soul's Companion" by Tian Dayton
"I will make my life useful and relevant today. I am not an alien living in isolation from planet earth. I am a part of the world I live in and there are countless ways for me to participate in co-creating this society. When I do what I see needs to be done, I am working in accord with the natural evolution of society, with what needs to happen, and I will have support from unexpected corners. Because I am addressing a need rather than imposing my needs and desires, I am flowing with the tide instead of against it.
When I work with the needs of the universe, I work with spirit. I co-create this world .... When I am in touch with and being useful to this world, I am in line with divine energy."

Buckminster Fuller, "I look for what needs to be done...After all, that's how the universe designs itself"

Gerald G Jampolsky, MD - "It is suggested that we being each encounter with an entirely different kind of mindset. We resolve beforehand that we will scan the other person for signs of love, gentleness and peace, and that the only information we will retain in our mind is that which will permit us to continue looking upon this person kindly. In other words, we see only their innocence, not their guilt. We look at them with our heart, not our our preconceived notions. This approach is one we all can use in our daily lives.... whether at work or in our more intimate relationships."

How perfect is this? And what timing! Sometimes the miracles are just there ... I need only open my eyes. Thank you, Merrill, for you! BLESSED AND GRATEFUL!

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