Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 232

Today's Lesson:

Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.

Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today. Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am your Son.

This is as every day should be. Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in Him Who is your Father. Trust all things to Him. Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son.

Miracles I'm noticing:

There really isn't a lot more to say than what today's lesson tells us. How great to know that we need only pray this prayer throughout the day and will have the Father in our minds at every turn! The miracle is in the awareness we are all achieving through our study of this Course and the amazing changes that are taking place in our awareness! Truly blessed and duly grateful!

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