Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day 223

Today's Lesson:

God is my life. I have not life but His.

I was mistaken when I thought I lived apart from God, a separate entity that moved in isolation, unattached, and housed within a body. Now I know my life is God's, I have no other home, and I do not exist apart from Him. He has no Thoughts that are not part of me, and I have none but those which are of Him.

Our Father, let us see the face of Christ instead of our mistakes. For we who are Your holy Son are sinless. We would look upon our sinlessness, for guilt proclaims that we are not Your Son. And we would not forget You longer. We are lonely here, and long for Heaven, where we are at home. Today we would return. Our Name is Yours, and we acknowledge that we are Your Son.

Miracles I'm noticing:

As I wrote yesterday, it's been such a joy to watch others around me thrive and grow in their own understanding and awareness regarding what we are learning from this Course. As I grow and expand myself, I notice when my light is attracting others and also when it is repelling others. The lesson for me is to know that regardless of what others say or do or think, when my intention is in love and light, there can be nothing wrong. When I can remember to see the face of Christ instead of mistakes - both mine and others - I will remember in whose likeness I am created.

Despite the bumps and twists and turns along the pathway that is life on this earth, all roads lead to love and light and our outcome is sure. Remembering that we are all connected - that this journey is simply a continuation along the same path - makes it easier to enjoy the ride!

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