Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 237

Today's Lesson:

Now would I be as God created me.

Today I will accept the truth about myself. I will arise in glory, and allow the light in me to shine upon the world throughout the day. I bring the world the tidings of salvation which I hear as God my Father speaks to me. And I behold the world that Christ would have me see, aware it ends the bitter dream of death; aware it is my Father's Call to me.

Christ is my eyes today, and He the ears that listen to the Voice for God today. Father, I come to You through Him Who is Your Son, and my true Self as well. Amen.
Miracles I'm noticing:

I woke up early this morning after a really cool dream about living in a city like New York City where everyone was outside hanging out with friends. Every day you would come home from work and immediately come outside and catch up with everyone. You would go for walks at night and everyone would be outside walking, chatting - there was a lot of buzz. When I woke up this morning, it was crisp and cool and the sun was just starting to come up. It was very quiet when I went to get the morning paper outside the door. It was nothing like my dream. But it occurred to me that I have that buzz - that happy commotion - if I just look for it.

It reminds me of the scene in the movie "The Peaceful Warrior" where Dan looks around the park and, for the first time, notices that "there is never nothing going on."

We will find whatever we're looking for. I choose to look for love and light and guess what - it shows up everywhere!

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