Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 234

Today's Lesson:

Father, today I am Your Son again.

Today we will anticipate the time when dreams of sin and guilt are gone, and we have reached the holy peace we never left. Merely a tiny instant has elapsed between eternity and timelessness. So brief the interval there was no lapse in continuity, nor break in thoughts which are forever unified as one. Nothing has ever happened to disturb the peace of God the Father and the Son. This we accept as wholly true today.

We thank You, Father, that we cannot lose the memory of You and of Your Love. We recognize our safety, and give thanks for all the gifts You have bestowed on us, for all the loving help we have received, for Your eternal patience, and the Word which You have given us that we are saved.
Miracles I'm noticing:

I love my Tuesday night Course gatherings. It's so wonderful to gather with others who are dedicated to this love and light. In addition to studying the lesson for the day, we also do what we call "miracle shares." It's so much fun to hear what everyone else is noticing and allowing in their lives. It truly is a miracle.

I've discovered for myself that finding this group to study and grow together is truly a miracle in my life. As a lifelong learner, I've always been hungry for new information, but with this group I get community as well. In addition to information (in form) I also get a huge dose of inspiration (in spirit).

I hear from some of my friends that they are craving community. My business partner and I were together yesterday meeting with a client and in that meeting we talked about how people - employees, in this case - are hungry for new information and, I will add, inspiration. It's so much fun to be alive in the world right now when we are starting to come together with those two types of knowledge.

I start a new Master Mind group studying Think and Grow Rich today, and I'm so excited to see how this disparate group of people will come together with the purpose of learning from each other.

It's truly a miracle!

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