Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day 240

Today's Lesson:

Fear is not justified in any form.

Fear is deception. It attests that you have seen yourself as you could never be, and therefore look upon a world which is impossible. Not one thing in this world is true. It does not matter what the form in which it may appear. It witnesses but to your own illusions of yourself. Let us not be deceived today. We are the Sons of God. There is no fear in us, for we are each a part of Love Itself.

How foolish are our fears! Would You allow Your Son to suffer? Give us faith today to recognize Your Son, and set him free. Let us forgive him in Your Name, that we may understand his holiness, and feel the love for him which is Your Own as well.
Miracles I'm noticing:

Yesterday on my way to my training (a 2-hour drive), I was listening, as I do most days, to my XM radio, Channel 156 and I heard Dr. Oz's interview with Gerald Jampolsky, founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing. The thing I found most interesting about the interview was that Jampolsky founded his entire course of study on A Course in Miracles. They were talking mostly about his book Love is Letting Go of Fear, which is exactly what the Course teaches us, and what today's lesson is reminding us.

I'm thinking that maybe I should resurrect my speech "Getting Beyond the Fear Factor," because we also talked about fear in both of my Job Relations classes yesterday. I wonder where we would be as a society without the presence of fear in our workplaces and in our lives.

I'm inspired to do something about that ... I'm not sure what, but something. The first thing I'm going to do is order this book!

I'll watch now and see how many times the topic of fear shows up. My job today is to replace fear with love. Let's see what we can create - and allow!

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