Sunday, January 07, 2007

Day 7

Today's Lesson:

I see only the past.
This is actually a pretty profound statement. It is why nothing I see means anything, why I have given everything I see the meaning it has for me. It really is the reason for all the previous lessons. If you really think about it, everything brings with it our experiences with that article, that object, that person - and it's not very often that we really look at the world objectively. I think it has something to do with our seemingly innate need to be right.

Miracles I've noticed:

I had a great conversation yesterday with a friend of mine whose husband is very unhappy in his job. She says it's difficult for her because she wants to make it better for him because it's hard to be happy when he comes home from work - she knows he's going to be upset, so she always feels she's got to walk on eggshells. We talked about whether or not he really wants things to be different. I think when people get to the point in their lives when they really want things to be different they will do something about it. Sometimes it's just easier to complain about it. And often we complain most to those we love the most which hardly seems fair.

We talked about what it might mean if people were able to give up their need to be right. If we can blame a bad boss, a bad spouse, a bad son or daughter, we don't have to take any responsibility. Actually, blame is never going to be effective for getting beyond where we are, so we have to give up blaming ourselves, too. And sometimes that means we might not be "right." If I can say I have a bad boss and you agree with me, then I'm right ... but if it's not the boss - it's my PERCEPTION of the boss (probably based on something from my past), and that might not be "right."

As we talked, she said she'd love to have me talk to her employer about this - so, for me, this was my chance to kick around some of what I've been thinking but haven't really talked about. And maybe this is my chance to re-create my business in a way that ties together my work with A Course in Miracles and my passion for business.

That's surely a shift in perception - as I've had some fear about that. Looking at it through the eyes of love and the context that there's nothing wrong, it shifts the entire conversation!


sharon said...

I feel very fortunate to have plugged into the course, my daughter in Portland called last thursday and wanted advice about how to confront her boss about her attitude, I reminded my dayghter about the movie "The Secret" (Xmas gift) and how this was her perception and she had the ability to intend a healthy work place. It worked for her! She called the next day and was jubilant, I works!

Jodee Bock said...

Sharon: Thank you so much for your comments!!! I know it works, but it's so great to hear it from others. The friend I was talking to was amazed at the possibilities because she was so used to focusing on the negative. I'm thrilled for you and for your daughter! Thanks so much for visiting!