Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Miracles On Day 2!

Today's Lesson:

I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.
This has been a very interesting lesson for me as I recognize how much meaning I attach to objects, concepts, and even people. By themselves, they really don't have any meaning apart from that which I've attached to them. If I can open my understanding to detach my own judgment, I will be able to see situations and people in a much different light - the light of love as opposed to fear.

Miracles I've noticed:

Situation #1. Last night I did some blogging, and visited a blog where Liz Strauss was writing about Extreme Leadership as written by Steve Farber, one of my favorite authors and one of the people who endorsed my book, The 100% Factor. I posted a comment on Liz's blog and about 5 minutes later I got an e-mail from her asking if she could call me. We ended up talking for about an hour about some ideas she has - because she's working with Steve Farber on his next book and she wanted to talk to me about my ideas. It turns out we have several mutual acquaintances, including Gerald Haman. She said when she was at the Thinkubator in Chicago a couple of months ago, Gerald actually showed Liz my book, because he might want to talk to her about helping him with a book. I know there are no coincidences - so consider all the signposts that were working miraculously in that connection! It occurs to me, as I consider yesterday's lesson (nothing I see means anything) that just observing this outside the ego which would want this all to mean something huge, it just becomes a "what you sow, you reap" kind of situation - outside of ego. It's just the way it is.

Situation #2: I noted on my other blog a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to write for Motto magazine sometime in 2007. I talked to my friend Phil last night and he said he had been e-mailing with Kevin Salwen, the editor of Motto, and mentioned my blog post to Kevin. Kevin said he would like me to let him know what I'd like to write about. And that happened within 1 day of it being 2007! Again, getting outside the ego, this is the way this is supposed to happen. It's not about me, but it's through me or around me that miracles are always happening. It's just that I need to notice!


"ME" Liz Strauss said...

That was a fun and exciting phone call. I got to meet a new friend!

Jodee Bock said...

The feeling is entirely mutual, Liz! I'm SOOOO looking forward to what we will be creating in 2007!