Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 11

Today's Lesson:

My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.
This is, of course, a continuation of all the previous lessons. As I think about the words in today's lesson, I can see how it might be easy to get caught up in the meaning I have given to these words - even the meaning I attach to the word "meaningless." If I accept that nothing in itself has any meaning except the meaning I've attached to it, it becomes easier to see that my judgments and my past experience are always the reason I have a reaction to things I observe. The way this statement is worded shows me that it is MY thoughts that show me the way the world is, not the other way around.

As I think more about the way I've always thought about the world, that the way the world is (insert my judgment here: good, bad, scary, difficult, wonderful), I'm aware that my judgment automatically determines my thoughts. This way of thinking allows me to be a victim and to be justified in my thought process. It really allows me to be right.

But a simple shift from the world creating my reality to my reality creating the world doesn't shift my ability to be right. If I now see that I've had it backwards this whole time, I now am in charge of the way the world occurs to me - and I STILL get to be right about it! I don't have to give up anything and I gain EVERYTHING!

This understanding really is the key to forgiveness, and that starts with forgiving myself for my past judgments and upside down thinking. That simple shift allows me to be free to start clean every single day - every single hour - every single minute.

Miracles I've noticed:

What I'm noticing, in my third year of this Course, is that as I shift from "out there" to "in here," there is really no need to "start over" - because this has become my preferred way of seeing the world. Of course, for many of us, hindsight is still clearer than foresight or present sight (is that even a term?). We can see better what we should have done than what will come naturally for a while. But practice and commitment are key. It's amazing to get reminders - like this - that this way of seeing the world is much preferred to the way I used to see it!

I know it's no accident that today's TUT message says:

Do you know what people who amass wealth, friends, and laughter have in common with those who don't?

Very often, Jodee, both look around at their lives and say, "Yeah, this is who I am. It must have been meant to be."

Must be a trick of the light.

The Universe

Rarely, Jodee, do they notice that their thoughts preceded their condition, because nothing is meant to be.

I'm also noticing, when I take a step away from my present thoughts, that seeing everything through the eyes of personal accountability is allowing situations around me to shift as well. The clients I work with, the telephone conversations I have, the interactions with the clerk at the gas station - really every encounter - is just what it is. As I realize that I just am what I am, too, I see that there are no accidents or coincidences. It's no accident that clerks are always friendly to me or clients are always engaged or phone conversations are always uplifting. If that is ever NOT the case, it's because my thoughts caused them to be that way. Then I can just shift into forgiveness and the whole thing is nothing more than a lesson - or a validation.

Are you noticing anything like that in your daily interactions? I'd love to hear about them!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jodee,
This is so funny... I am just now realizing that you posted one of your Notes from the Universe on the 11th and so did I! What wonderful synchronicity! I love that!

I am enjoying reading this new blog! What a positive influence in the blogosphere!

Jodee Bock said...

And funny, too, Kirsten, that this post is about coincidences! Thanks so much for supporting this blog. It's a little more "out there" than my other one, but it really is what makes my Spirit soar. I'm glad someone is reading it!

Keep up the great work with your blog. I love what you're up to in the Universe!

Anonymous said...

My pleasure Jodee. I really do enjoy reading. It is a nice mix with your other blog. I just don't know how you are keeping up with it all! I am impressed.