Monday, January 29, 2007

Day 29

Today's Lesson:

God is in everything I see.
Today's idea is the whole basis for vision. It explains why nothing is separate, and why nothing I see means everything. It may seem silly, senseless, funny and even objectionable. It may be difficult to grasp that God could possibly be in a table, for example; however in yesterday's lesson we learned that a table shares the purpose of the universe. And what shares the purpose of the universe share the purpose of the Creator.

Today's lesson will help us see how to look on everything with love, appreciation, and open-mindedness. If I don't see these things now, how could I know what is in them? Nothing is as I see it now - its holy purpose is beyond my sight. But as I begin to see God in everything, today's lesson tells me that I will not understand how I could ever have found this difficult.

Miracles I'm noticing:

As I look around the room I'm in this morning, I begin to see my cats, the cereal box, the oranges on the counter and even the dishes drying in the sink differently. If God is in everything I see, how can my judgment about those things be accurate or justified?

I'm on my way to another week of training in Minnesota, so I'm sure I'll have many more opportunities to practice the lessons, and report back on what I'm noticing. Watch for an update later!

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