Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Day 94

Today's Lesson:

I am as God created me.

This one idea - when we really take it in - will render the ego silent and will restore our sanity by getting rid of all the false thoughts that have occupied our minds for so long. If we are as God created us, we must be strong and light must be in us. Darkness cannot obscure the glory of God's Son. We stand in light, strong in the sinlessness in which we were created, and in which we will remain throughout eternity.

During our practice periods today we are to try to reach the Son of God which is within us. This is the Self that never sinned, and never made an image to replace reality. This is the Self that knows no fear, nor could conceive of loss or suffering or death.

The only thing we have to do to reach this goal is to lay all idols and self-images aside; go past all the attributes we have ascribed to ourselves and wait in silent expectancy for the truth. God has promised that it will be revealed to all who ask for it. We cannot fail because He cannot fail.

Miracles I'm noticing:

We had our second conference call for the Summit for Bigger Small Talk and Suzanne Whang joined us. She is very inspiring! She is actually going to be learning under Michael Beckwith (from The Secret) and is VERY dedicated to making the world a better place. Her inspiration really reminded me that I am as God created me - and if I don't step into that power, it's like denying what God created me to be. As I become more aware of the distinction between my ego and my spirit, it becomes much easier to choose spirit over ego. When I notice how I feel, it becomes more and more obvious that spirit feels better than ego, because that is how God created me. Anything else goes against who I am.

Being able to show my true colors in situations like our conference call today were reinforcements to me that playing big is much better for me than playing small. That's surely a miracle!

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