Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Day 93

Today's Lesson:

Light and joy and peace abide in me.

Today's idea shows us how wrong we have been about who we believe ourselves to be. We think that if anyone knew the truth about how evil and sinful we really are, they would be repelled, so we never take time to know what we really are. Because these beliefs are so ingrained - and have been for so many years - it is difficult for us to see that they are really based on nothing.

Today's lesson tells us that certainly we have made mistakes and have done foolish things, but that is because we have our belief system backwards. These idle thoughts are meaningless - they are not according to God's Will.

We were created holy and light and joy and peace abide in us. The self we have made is not the Son of God, so that self does not exist at all. And anything it seems to do or think means nothing. It is neither good nor bad - it is unreal, and nothing more than that. Our sinlessness is guaranteed by God. And this idea will have to be repeated over and over in order for us to begin to believe it. The truth is the truth - and the truth is that we are as God created us, not what we made of ourselves.

We are to repeat today's lesson at the first 5 minutes of each hour today and to devote a minute or so to closing our eyes and realizing that this statement is the truth about us. If we feel anything that makes us agitated or are angry with anyone, we should tell him silently:

Light and joy and peace abide in you.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.

And then be sure to tell ourselves the same things.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I'm very interested in all the conversation that's arising due to the movie The Secret. People are really talking about the Law of Attraction - in both positive and negative ways. But what I'm noticing is that they are now talking about something that is much bigger than topics they maybe used to talk about. One of my favorite blogs is Positive Sharing by my friend Alex Kjerulf in Copenhagen, Denmark. One of his posts, "The law of attraction is real. The movie 'The Secret' is fake" has gotten, to date, 37 comments. Here's a portion of the one I read today by Brett:

"Even if the Secret is mumbo jumbo like some have pointed out, or if the TLoA is real, we have to look at one thing. People who are maybe not PHD’s like some and maybe not even college educated are now searching and their wheels are turning.

"This may be shaddy for some, but a lot of times all someone needs to change their life around is hope. And no matter what you say, if you thank the universe daily for things that you thought no importance in your life, you will begin to fall in love with what you got. You will notice things about yourself that others might think is unique but you see it everyday or take it for just being so.

"We are all debating if this is valid scientifically and if metaphysically this is crap. Maybe both points are valid, but we are missing the bigger point. Positive thinking brings positive results. If you believe you can do something, you will find a way.

"And debate me if I am wrong but we could all use some positive hope in our world, with all the war and wrong doings by nations, governments, sects, and people in general. People are slowly believing Bigbrother is in control and we are all just pawns so what does it matter.

"But what if, just “what if” we as people controlled our own destiny.
That is main thing from quantum physics, the secret, the bleep, huna and whatever else you want see nowadays is stating.

"It’s just a thought, but what a beautiful thought it could be for a world."

What if we really are sinless and light and joy and peace abide in us? How might that change the way we see the world - and ourselves in it? How might we really change the world by taking five minutes at the top of each hour to remember this? I'm game to try! That's certainly a miracle!


Anonymous said...

I majored in philosophy some twenty years ago... and all I can say is that it is refreshing to me to see so many people asking themselves what this life is all about.

The Law of Attraction - as presented by some of the teachers - is an all inclusive club, and not just for "believers"... there is much love embedded in this philosophy that gets overlooked when the hype focuses on the get-rich-quick types.

Thank You for this post.

Jodee Bock said...

Roger: Thank you for your comments. I'm really excited that people are starting to ask the important questions - and that a philosopher is seeing the changes in the world! Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving your comments here!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree Jodee that the conversations that have come about with the Secret have been so fun- Since I have watched the movie I have met several "strangers" and the one thing we have found we have in common is the Secret- and are able to have a conversation based on our dreams instead of the weather- people have a much bigger impact than before-
I have also recently figured out the Secret is all about getting to know yourself- but most of all- beleiving in yourself- imagine teaching our children to believe in themselves and the dreams they have- what a happy world it will be!

Jodee Bock said...

Jodie: I'm very commmitted to bigger small talk, as you know, and I am also committed to having these conversations in school settings. We need to encourage all people to ask more questions and then to trust the answers they know, which means knowing themselves better as you've said. It's ALL GOOD!! Thanks for your comment!

Applying the Law of Attraction said...

Your post arrived on the perfect day (attraction?). I received a question from one of my readers today asking how to forgive others for some wrongs they had done to her. I will forward this link to her because day 93 is the answer. Thank you!

Jodee Bock said...

A great example of how there are no coincidences! As for forgiving, one thing I always keep in mind is what I heard Michael Beckwith say on Oprah: "Thank you FOR GIVING this to me that I might learn something from it." I love that!

Thanks for stopping by!