Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 333

Today's Lesson:

Forgiveness ends the dream of conflict here.

Conflict must be resolved. It cannot be evaded, set aside, denied, disguised, seen somewhere else, called by another name, or hidden by deceit of any kind, if it would be escaped. It must be seen exactly as it is, where it is thought to be, in the reality which has been give int, and with the purpose that the mind accorded it. For only then are its defenses lifted, and the truth can shine upon it as it disappears.

Father, forgiveness is the light You chose to shine away all conflict and all doubt, and light the way for our return to You. No light but this can end our evil dream. No light but this can save the world. For this alone will never fail in anything, being Your gift to Your beloved Son.

Miracles I'm noticing:

This lesson is almost urgent in its simplicity. It is necessary and vital that we each decide today to resolve any conflicts we are in or any grudges we are holding onto. I don't think this means that we need to seek out people with whom we have been in conflict, but rather look inside ourselves for the barriers we have placed that impede the peace of God. The truth can shine upon the space created where the conflict used to be.

I've been talking a lot more recently about this Course and the effects that studying it have had upon my life. We talked about it yesterday in my Wednesday master mind group (hi everyone from the Wednesday master mind!) and I also told a friend about this study last night as we got together after work to catch up. I feel profoundly affected by this, my third year of study, and I know that it is up to ME to forgive any conflicts in my world. As I forgive, the world heals.

Today's text challenges us to make a decision, once and for all, about whether we want to live in dreams or the truth. There is no partway to that decision. It says "the choice is not between which dreams to keep, but only if you want to live in dreams or to awaken from them." It goes on to say that "every dream is but a dream of fear, no matter what the form it seems to take. The fear is seen within, without, or both. Or it can be disguised in pleasant form. But never is it absent from the dream, for fear is the material of dreams, from which they all are made."

The crucial point at which we find ourselves today asks us to wake up - to recognize once and for all what really matters in our lives. Until we wake up, we will be living in a dream world. The text goes on to say "Dreams are not wanted more or less. They are desired or not. And each one represents some function that you have assigned; some goal which an event, or body, or a thing should represent, and should achieve for you. If it succeeds, you think you like the dream. If it should fail you think the dream is sad. But whether it succeeds or fails is not its core, but just the flimsy covering."

The thoughts the Holy Spirit gives us are never ones of fear. We can choose right now to change our thoughts so that the future we are creating today is one that is free of conflict and open to the Holy Spirit. Waking up - and knowing consciously that I'm choosing to wake up - is my miracle for today. Sharing what I'm learning allows me to let my light shine so that others may be invited to do the same. Together we will light the world.

What will you choose today? Wake up and forgive. It's as simple as that.

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