Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 287

Today's Lesson:

You are my goal, my Father. Only You.

Where would I go but Heaven? What could be a substitute for happiness? What gift could I prefer before the peace of God? What treasure would I seek and find and keep that can compare with my Identity? And would I rather live with fear than love?

You are my goal, my Father. What but You could I desire to have? What way but that which leads to You could I desire to walk? And what except the memory of You could signify to me the end of dreams and futile substitutions for the truth? You are my only goal. Your Son would be as You created him. What way but this could I expect to recognize my Self, and be at one with my Identity?

Miracles I'm noticing:

Yesterday's master mind group was amazing, as all of them are. Yesterday we talked about the results we want to create in our community. I have shared my dream of a creative meeting space with the group in previous weeks, but this week one of the members of this master mind told me about a conversation he had had with another member of the group in a previous session, and they are really serious about creating an executive retreat center a few miles from Fargo and want my input about my dream and how we could share that through a cooperative or a time sharing setup. How great is that?!?

You just never know what will happen if the dream or burning desire or WHY is big enough. I firmly believe that the HOW will take care of itself if we don't let the dreams die, and if we're not attached to the way it happens. If we have expectations for specifics, we might be disappointed, but if we are committed to the dream, watch out!

I notice that as I study this course, my thinking almost automatically shifts to love from fear. It almost seems like there is no other way to think anymore and that's why it's nice to take a step back every now and then and just notice the way things are happening around me. It's amazing to see how God works in me and through me. I'm truly blessed and grateful!


Anonymous said...

We are all blessed. I especially appreciated the part in your entry where you said that if the WHY was big enough, then the HOW would just manifest itself. I find that to be very true in life. I didn't use to think that way. In fact, I used to focus all my efforts into the HOW and not the WHY.

Jodee Bock said...


I know this is true because it's working in my life. I, too, used to get hung up on the HOW ... I know now that that's why things never seemed to go anywhere when I would have ideas. Now I'm learning that just sharing my ideas with people I know support me is "how" things happen. I don't know how, but if I'm dedicated enough to my idea, I just have to keep talking about it and eventually someone else will catch the fire and together we can do way more than I can do myself and the HOW really does take care of itself!

Thanks for your comments!