Saturday, October 06, 2007

Day 279

Today's Lesson:

Creation's freedom promises my own.

The end of dreams is promised me, because God's Son is not abandoned by His Love. Only in dreams is there a time when he appears to be in prison, and awaits a future freedom, if it be at all. Yet in reality his dreams are gone, with truth established in their place. And now is freedom his already. Should I wait in chains which have been severed for release, when God is offering me freedom now?

I will accept Your promises today, and give my faith to them. My Father loves the Son Whom He created as His Own. Would You withhold the gifts You gave to me?

Miracles I'm noticing:

I was just thinking about how much I love studying this course and getting together each Tuesday evening with my group to read and talk about what we're reading. I remember when I was a kid and how much I hated going to church and Sunday School. What is the difference? Why do I love studying now and hated it then? I think there are two reasons.

One is now it's elective. I don't have to do anything but back then I had no choice.

And the second is the joy and love I feel when reading and studying this course. I didn't feel that in Sunday School or church. Maybe it's the whole label thing - I'm starting to realize that my discomfort comes when labels are involved (Christian, Jew; Republican, Democrat; American, Canadian; etc.). There was certainly a right way and a wrong way to worship God in my upbringing. I remember one of the last times I was in church the pastor said something about the Christian God and that was the deal-breaker for me. How can there be a difference in the one God?!?

Today's lesson reminds me that there is freedom in God's Love. We can be free right now, not at some future time when we will be rewarded for our martyrdom on this earth. The chains are released and God promises us His Love and freedom.

That's a miracle to me!

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