Thursday, October 04, 2007

Day 277

Today's Lesson:

Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made.

Your Son is free, my Father. Let me not imagine I have bound him with the laws I made to rule the body. He is not subject to any laws I made by which I try to make the body more secure. He is not changed by what is changeable. He is not slave to any laws of time. He is as You created him, because he knows no law except the law of love.

Let us not worship idols, nor believe in any law idolatry would make to hid the freedom of the Son of God. He is not bound except by his beliefs. Yet what he is, is far beyond his faith in slavery or freedom. He is free because he is his Father's Son. And he cannot be bound unless God's truth can lie, and God can will that He deceive Himself.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I've been talking quite a bit with different groups, especially in my master mind groups studying the book Think and Grow Rich. Yesterday we talked about fear, and what that means to us. We talked about what it is we think we really want, and one person said she really wants security. After we talked more about that, she became aware that she is giving up many opportunities to take risks and reap more rewards because she is so afraid of losing security. The conversation then turned to the real definition of security, and we realized that there really isn't anything that is sure anyway.

When we focus so much on the body, we realize that we are putting our attention on the wrong thing. The "laws" we think make we really believe will keep us safe and will help us do the "right" thing when really the only thing that is secure is the Word of God. We really have all the freedom and security we will ever need when we put our attention on the Truth, which is way beyond what the body can see.

For me, that awareness produced other miracles during the day, including heightened awareness of the responses and reactions from others around me during the meetings and gatherings of which I was a part. When I give up attachment to worldly things and ideals, I am much happier. Maybe that awareness was yesterday's miracle. It's that simple!

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