Monday, October 01, 2007

Day 274

Today’s Lesson:

Today belongs to love. Let me not fear.

Father, today I would let all things be as You created them, and give Your Son the honor due his sinlessness; the love of brother to his brother and his Friend. Through this I am redeemed. Through this as well the truth will enter where illusions were, light will replace all darkness, and Your Son will know he is as You created him.

A special blessing comes to us today, from Him Who is our Father. Give this day to Him, and there will be no fear today, because the day is given unto love.

Miracles I'm noticing:

This lesson really sums up the entire course. If we give all our attention to love, there is no place for fear. And if we really stop and think about it, what is the opposite of love but fear? Another way I've heard Marianne Williamson talk about this distinction is love and a crying out for love. There is no other way to see the distinction, in my mind. And that makes the choice pretty simple ... maybe not always easy, but really, pretty simple.

How different the world appears without the cloud of fear!

What are you noticing?

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