Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 42

Today's Lesson:

God is my strength. Vision is His gift.
Today's lesson shows us why we cannot fail in our efforts to achieve the goal of the course. We will see because it is the Will of God. When we remember that it is His strength and not our own that gives us power, we understand better how we cannot fail. It is God's gift rather than our own that offers vision to us. This gift is available at any time and in any place - we cannot help but be in the right place at the right time.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Although it is sometimes difficult to understand when we try to use our rational human mind, today's lesson provides some comfort when we consider events and situations we can't immediately rationalize. I listened to Oprah on XM radio on Thursday as she interviewed Gary Zukav and she had a very difficult time understanding how situations like war and gang activity and Darfur could possibly be demonstrations of a loving universe. Gary was very confident in his answers, even though Oprah couldn't quite grasp his belief. Gary said every situation brings with it lessons and opportunities to learn and grow to be more loving ourselves. As he continued in his conviction, which was very similar to today's lesson, Oprah slowly started to understand. Her mind was open, and you could just hear her start to see what Gary was explaining.

I think if we can all have open minds whenever we enter into any conversation, we are bound to learn something new - either we will learn that our own ideas are validated or we will learn something new from someone else. That is the definition of "dialogue" - suspending assumptions for the purpose of learning something. Since we cannot but be in the right place at the right time, according to today's lesson, we can receive God's gift of vision whenever and wherever we are.

Listen for opportunities to learn something new. Notice how open your mind is to new ideas or to validation for your current ideas. God is your strength. Vision is His gift!

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