Sunday, February 04, 2007

Day 35

Today's Lesson:

My mind is part of God's. I am very holy.

This might be difficult to believe because it might not describe the way we see ourselves now. It reminds me of that part of "The Secret" movie when Loral Langemeier tells us to use the affirmation "Money comes easy and frequently." She says there will be a part of us that thinks "I'm a liar. This is hard." But that's where the practice comes in.

Today's lesson says that this describes what vision will show us. It may be difficult for anyone who thinks he is in this world to believe that he is very holy. But the reason we think we are in the world is because we do not believe our minds are part of God's and that we are very holy.

We are to repeat today's idea to ourselves, and then close our eyes and search our minds for the various kinds of descriptive terms in which we see ourselves - including all the ego-based ones, whether positive or negative. All of these are equally unreal, because we do not currently look upon ourselves through the eyes of holiness.

After we have named each attribute in our minds, we are to add:

But my mind is part of God's. I am very holy.

Miracles I'm noticing:

The more I read and speak and train and study, the more I see the connections between this Course and the evolution of the collective consciousness of the people who surround me. I understand today's lesson from a different perspective, but it has been nearly four years of study. I do understand, too, however, that it is possible to make a choice and to have all of this understanding come in an instant. I know, too, that if we have trouble thinking of ourselves as holy because we think it is arrogant, or because we have been taught to be humble, or for any number of other reasons, we are not seeing ourselves as our creator created us. It is actually more arrogant to believe we know better than our creator and to believe we are not holy really does rob the world of our gifts.

Just notice for yourself ways your own gifts are celebrated in your life. Step into that magnificence. You'll know it when you feel it, and pretty soon you will start to see it because you believe it. Let us know what you're observing so we can celebrate with you!

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