Saturday, February 03, 2007

Day 34

Today's Lesson:

I could see peace instead of this.

Today's lesson is a great reminder that the world I see outside is a direct result of the world I see inside. If I see the world as fearful, depressing, or anything other than peaceful, that's the first sign that I have fallen back into my old way of seeing. As the lesson says, "it is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises."

In each of the daily lessons, we are asked to devote five minutes or so to practicing the thought for the day. We are to search our minds for fear thoughts, anxiety-provoking situations, "offending" personalities or events, or anything else about which we are harboring unloving thoughts. Note them all casually, repeating the idea for today slowly as we watch them arise in our minds, and let each one go, to be replaced by the next.

Miracles I'm noticing:

This daily practice ends up being kind of a like a meditation practice in disguise. I don't know about you, but the word "meditation" has always intimidated me. I know what I need to do, and I know about the benefits to just being still. So the daily lessons allow me to get past my preconceived notions about my perceived inability to meditate.

I'm thinking that this religion situation with my mother (see previous posts for a better explanation) was put here exactly for this purpose for me. As I've been studying the Course for the past two years, I find that there are far fewer situations that cause me to be upset, so this is one that has shown up to be my practice subject. When I think of it like that, I can really be grateful - and grateful not just that she sent me that package (I must have needed a big reminder!), but grateful that my parents gave me the religious foundation they gave me. After reading through all the literature in the packet, I'm also so very grateful that I've found this group of friends and this Course because it feels so much better to me than the old patriarchal and exclusive study I was raised with. It's validation to me that I really can see peace instead of that.

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