Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Day 38

Today's Lesson:

There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
Today's lesson demonstrates the power of one person's thoughts on the whole universe. There are no restrictions to the power of my holiness. It is totally unlimited because it established me as s Son of God, at one with the Mind of my Creator.

It may seem a little odd to believe we each have this much power. After all, we've been trained and conditioned to believe exactly the opposite. But through our holiness the power of God is made manifest. And there is nothing the power of God cannot do. So my holiness can remove all pain, end all sorrow and solve all problems. If I am holy, so is everything God created. I am holy because all things He created are holy. All things He created are holy because I am holy.

It's a lot to take in, but think of what each of us could do in the world if we really believed this. It will take some practice, which is why the lesson is set up to involve four practice periods throughout the day, each of five minutes. We are to think about any sense of loss or unhappiness, whether it's difficult for us or for someone else. Then we are to think:

In the situation involving _______ in which I see myself, there is nothing that my holiness cannot do.

In the situation involving _______ in which __________ sees himself, there is nothing my holiness cannot do.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Our Course group met again last night and each gathering brings us closer together as a group, but also allows me a wonderful opportunity to learn from and to share with them what I'm seeing and experiencing. I spent the entire day yesterday (except for a break in the middle to meet for lunch with some of my friends from the Course group for a birthday celebration) working on my business plan for my business. Even in a task like that, I can see and celebrate what I'm learning about myself and the world. As I realize my own holiness, I see that everything I think about for potential clients and business affiliates can have the effect today's lesson tells us. There is nothing my holiness cannot do, so I know that my business will have those effects on the clients we work with in helping them enhance employee engagement at their organizations. As I bring together best-in-class providers of their own areas of expertise, all of us will share that vision of holiness, and together we will be able to help and support our clients in healing the world.

This surely involves a shift in focus from fear to love - and that is the true definition of a miracle. I'm excited to be more intentional about that for myself and everyone I work with or speak to.

There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

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