Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 270

Today's Lesson:

I will not use the body's eyes today.

Father, Christ's vision is Your gift to me, and it has power to translate all that the body's eyes behold into the sight of a forgiven world. How glorious and gracious is this world! Yet how much more will I perceive in it than sight can give. The world forgiven signifies Your Son acknowledges his Father, lets his dreams be brought to truth, and waits expectantly the one remaining instant more of time which ends forever, as Your memory returns to him. And now his will is one with Yours. His function now is but Your Own, and every thought except Your Own is gone.

The quiet of today will bless our hearts, and through them peace will come to everyone. Christ is our eyes today. And through His sight we offer healing to the world through Him, the holy Son whom God created whole; the holy Son whom God created one.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I love the idea of today's lesson. What if there were only the eyes of Christ and not the body's eyes? What if that were all I could see with? How much more (and how much less) would I actually see? I'd love to see more good, more beauty, more justice, more peace, more happiness and less prejudice, less upset, less hatred, less jealousy, less anger. What if that is possible now? I do have other eyes through which to see everything. What if I consciously used that filter through which to see what my physical eyes see?

Yesterday during the class I was teaching, one of the participants came up to me during a break and told me she felt she needed to know me better. I felt the same way based on some of her comments during the class and also her answers to some of the prework she turned in before the class. She was writing about intention, and she was the only one in the class who had seen The Secret. When I asked, her answer was, "of course."

So she and my business partner and the person who lined up the training went out for dinner last night and had a very deep and meaningful conversation about mirroring, oneness, accountability and Gandhi ("you must be the change your wish to see in the world.").

There are no coincidences. It was a fabulous conversation and I know I've made a new friend. She and her husband own a vacation home in Maine, and I fully intend to take advantage of her offer to use it sometime.

I'm excited to see what I'll see today on my drive home from Pierre, SD to Fargo (about 6 hours) as I consciously choose not to use my body's eyes. Where will I see the miracles?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jodee.

I’ve been keeping up with your daily posts via the e-mail deliveries and thought I’d offer a few thoughts on this day’s entry.

My views are changing as I wade deeper into The Course (and that’s good!) so I may deny everything I said today, tomorrow – lol)


Per your Gandhi quote, (“you must be the change you wish to see in the world”) I think that most people make the mistake of limiting this to mean to live and behave in such a way as to exemplify the high qualities one wishes others to emulate. And while this teach-by-example approach is a good start with noble intentions, The Course clearly states that to effectively correct error one must address it on its proper level – the mind.

In this regard Gandhi himself appears to have been a warrior; though his weapon of choice was non-violence, it was directed at resisting what he defined as an “adversary-out-there.”

As I continue to read The Course, the idea that is becoming increasingly insistent in my mind is that my physical eyes can only behold what my mind is projecting, and that is what the Atonement is all about.

Less hatred, less, anger, or no hatred, no anger, etc., are only degrees of what The Course claims are unnecessary hierarchies of achievement – i.e., “there is no order of difficulty.” We just insist on believing that there is, and in Gandhi’s case: “he’d believe it (peace in the world) when he saw it.”

And I don’t mean to discount what he did – it was what he believed and he was willing to sacrifice everything on its behalf.

We learn, through The Course, however, that God’s only requirement of sacrifice is the sacrifice of wrong-mindedness, which (no less than) makes the world we know.

This is from lesson 190:

“My holy brother, think of this awhile: The world we see does nothing. It has no effects at all. It merely represents our thoughts. And it will change ENTIRELY as we elect to change our mind, and choose the joy of God as what we really want.”


Jodee Bock said...


Your comment is a perfect example of why I find it much more difficult to study the course by myself. Your insights add so much to my own study and I appreciate them so much!

Remember - a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds (said Emerson)! The beauty of this course is the ability to change our minds!

Thank you so much!