Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Day 248

Today's Lesson:

Whatever suffers is not part of me.

I have disowned the truth. Now let me be as faithful in disowning falsity. Whatever suffers is not part of me. What grieves is not myself. What is in pain is but illusion in my mind. What dies was never living in reality, and did but mock the truth about myself. Now I disown self-concepts and deceits and lies about the holy Son of God. Now am I ready to accept him back as God created him, and as he is.

Father, my ancient love for You returns, and lets me love Your Son again as well. Father, I am as You created me. Now is Your Love remembered, and my own. Now do I understand that they are one.
Miracles I'm noticing:

It becomes much easier to love everyone when I remember today's lesson. Even people who frustrate and upset me are children of God - and who am I to doubt God's work? There is no reason at all not to love the Truth, even though people might do things I don't think they should do or say things I don't think they should say. Who needs God when I have my opinion (I'm thinking sheepishly)?

There really is nothing that should frustrate or upset me if I really get this lesson. As I grow in my own awareness, I see things from a new vantage point, and it really should look different. If I'm seeing everything the same way I always did, I'm not growing.

Last night at our Course gathering, we started, as we always do, with a few minutes of silent meditation. Most of the time when we do that, I get a song in my head and last night was no exception. The song was "Open The Eyes of My Heart, Lord." There aren't a lot of words to the song, just "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you, I want to see you" but maybe that's all I needed last night.

The text we read last night really hit me after that meditation. The part that especially struck me was this:

"We have already said that wishful thinking is how the ego deals with what it wants, to make it so. There is no better demonstration of the power of wanting, and therefore of faith, to make its goals seem real and possible. Faith in the unreal leads to adjustments of reality to make it fit the goal of madness. The goal of sin induces the perception of a fearful world to justify its purpose. What you desire, you will see. And if its reality is false, you will uphold it by not realizing all the adjustments you have introduced to make it so."
So if I have the eyes of my heart opened to see God, I will be able to trust that what I desire, I will see.

Notice all the "coincidences" that happen around you today. What are you seeing? Where are your eyes fixed and what are they open to? You might be surprised what you'll see if you just look up - and let your eyes adjust to the light.

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