Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Day 87

Today's Lesson:

Our review today will cover these ideas:

(73) I will there be light.

I will use the power of my will today. It is not my will to grope about in darkness, fearful of shadows and afraid of things unseen and unreal. Light shall be my guide today. I will follow it where it leads me, and I will look only on what it shows me. This day I will experience the peace of true perception.

These forms of this idea would be helpful for specific applications:

This cannot hide the light I will to see.
You stand with me in light, [name].
In the light this will look different.

(74) There is no will but God's.

I am safe today because there is no will but God's. I can become afraid only when I believe there is another will. I try to attack only when I am afraid, and only when I try to attack can I believe that my eternal safety is threatened. Today I will recognize that all this has not occurred. I am safe because there is no will but God's.

These are some useful forms of this idea for specific applications:

Let me perceive this in accordance with the Will of God.
It is God's Will you are His Son, [name], and mine as well.
This is part of God's Will for me, however I may see it.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I had the pleasure of attending James Ray's Harmonic Wealth seminar last night with my friend Sheila. That was a double pleasure because it was great to spend time with Sheila (a 3 1/2-hour drive there, dinner, and a 3 1/2-hour drive back) and also because James is very energetic and has LOTS of great inspirational ideas to share. I enjoyed James for two reasons: the information was great, but it was also very interesting to watch his presentation style. As a speaker myself, I see now what I can aspire to. I also realized that I have been speaking about many of the same concepts as James does for a couple of years. Anyone who heard my last two presentations (and the ones who will hear me tonight) have gotten/will get many of the same concepts as the 1000 of us got last night from James. He's just much more animated about it!

I think there was a part of me that, in the past, would have compared myself to James and felt very unworthy, envious, and upset about seeing his success. But I noticed that James really does want the entire world to get that, to use his words, Harmonic Wealth is about understanding harmony in five areas of your life: 1) Financial; 2) Relational; 3) Intellectual (mental and emotional); 4) Physical (body and tangible); and 5) Spiritual. If we are in harmony, we might not be in balance - he says balance is unachievable and anything in perfect balance isn't moving and has no dynamism, so we might as well not even go there. Harmony is when everything is working together and producing beautiful results. He said to look at the results in our lives and we'll be able to tell whether or not we're in harmony.

So now what I realize is that in order to achieve harmony, I want to exist in a spirit of love rather than fear. Fear produces "stuck" results - keeps us stuck in whatever rut we find ourselves because we're afraid to grow. James said last night, and I've been saying for quite a while now, too - that our natural state is growth, whether we're humans or plants or animals or anything. If we're not growing, we're dying. I also believe that learning = change - if we're not changing, we're not learning.

When I will there be light (which James says 99.9999% of everything in the universe is made up of - light or energy, same thing, he says) and I understand that that there is no will but God's, I realize that everything is God's will and everything is light. When love replaces fear in any aspect of my life, I know that I am moving toward harmony, which doesn't have to be perfect. That's a big difference for me, too.

Where are you committed to giving up fear to allow love to be present? That's a miracle!!

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