Friday, March 23, 2007

Day 82

Today's Lesson:

We will review these ideas today:

(63) The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.

My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the world finds expression through me. My forgiveness is the means by which I become aware of the light of the world in me. My forgiveness is the means by which the world is healed, together with myself. Let me, then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.

Suggestions for specific forms for applying this idea are:

Let peace extend from my mind to yours, [name].
I share the light of the world with you, [name].
Through my forgiveness I can see this as it is.

(64) Let me not forget my function.

I would not forget my function, because I would remember my Self. I cannot fulfill my function if I forget it. And unless I fulfill my function, I will not experience the joy that God intends for me.

Suitable specific forms of this idea include:

Let me not use this to hide my function from me.
I would use this as an opportunity to fulfill my function.
This may threaten my ego, but cannot change my function in any way.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Both of these ideas reminds me how important it is that I play big. By hiding my light under a bushel, I am not bringing peace and am forgetting my function. My business partner and I met all day yesterday with a business consultant who is helping us take Bock's Office to the next level. We spent several hours talking about our plans, dreams, and ideas and he helped us put structure around those dreams. We now have assignments to complete and will be looking to secure some funding to get things off the ground. It's a fun procedure and if I weren't committed to playing big, I could let fear get in the way.

I'm so grateful for this course and for my course family because without them I have a feeling fear would keep me small. As I learn to forgive myself for whatever I have or haven't done, I allow the light of the world to bring peace to every mind. That's truly a miracle, because my business will touch many more lives when I'm playing big!


Anonymous said...

When you play big you give us the inspiration to play big!
Keep going!!!!!

Jodee Bock said...

Thanks, Jodie! We're all in it together, so here's to inspiration all around!