Sunday, March 04, 2007

Day 63

Today's Lesson:

The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.
Given the previous few lessons related to what our ego might think, today's lesson might seem very grandiose. However, it has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with Spirit - and with fact. We have been given a very important purpose - and what could be better than to bring peace to every mind?!

It is really quite exciting to remember (re-member) our function and purpose as assigned to us by God. As we re-member, we come together for the salvation of the world. God is achieving this function through each of us, so we are creating and allowing the community to work together - and the community starts with each of us.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Just reading this lesson gives me great joy and happiness as I remember my function. As I accept salvation, I am able to give it. Salvation, as defined by the course, is the Atonement, or undoing of the separation; we are " saved" from our belief in the reality of sin and guilt through the change of mind that forgiveness and the miracle bring about.

As I read through some websites looking for a good definition of salvation, I came across those inevitable sites denouncing this course as blasphemy and a way to get away from God. On one site put together by the Eternal Word Television Network in Alabama, the definition of salvation is taken out of context, implying that the course teaches us to believe in ourselves without God. There the definition is:
SALVATION: We do not need a savior. Salvation is nothing more than
right mindedness. We are the source of our own salvation.

This site goes on to warn:

Unfortunately, their beliefs are
"Gnostic" and they probably consider a Catholic's devotion to the
Faith, given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, as unenlightened
medieval superstition to be rejected by all in this enlightened "new
age." The teaching's in "the Course" are particularly attractive to
individuals who have fallen away from the faith and find themselves
seeking some- thing to fill their spiritual void.

Reading Sacred Scripture is nourishment for the soul, since the words
have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. Taking the words of "the
Course" into one's heart will lead to a slow spiritual death. It is a
book to be avoided at all costs.

The miracle I notice in reading this passage from the Eternal Word Television Network is the shift in my own mind from fear to love. There was a day when I would have been very fearful of what I am studying because someone else said it was bad or wrong. I understand now that people are exactly where they need to be in their lives. There is no judgment, just observation. That is a huge shift for me and one I am blessed and grateful to be able to share with my study group and people who read this blog. What are you noticing in your own lives as you read this blog or do your own spiritual work? How do miracles show up for you?


sharon said...

Jodi, your trip sounds amazing. Your light is shining, I can see it!

Jodee Bock said...

Thank you, Sharon! I can't wait to be back with you on Tuesday night to tell you all about my trip and what I've learned. See you soon!