Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day 76

Today's Lesson:

I am under no laws but God's.

Salvation does not lie in the senseless things to which we think we are bound. There is so much freedom in the knowledge that we are not bound by all the senseless laws we have set up to save us. We really think we will will starve unless we have stacks of green paper strips and piles of metal discs. We really think a small round pellet or some fluid pushed into our veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death. We really think we are alone unless another body is with us.

We call these laws, and put them under different names in a long catalogue of rituals that have no use and serve no purpose. We believe that if we protect the body we will be saved.

These are not laws, but madness. The body is only endangered by the mind that hurts itself. The body's suffering is a mask the mind holds up to hide what really suffers.

There are no laws except the laws of God. These laws can never be replaced. We rejoice that this is so. This truth keeps us free forever. We are to dismiss all foolish magical beliefs today, and hold our minds in silent readiness to hear the Voice that speaks the truth to us. Payment is neither given nor received. Exchange cannot be made; there are no substitutes; and nothing is replaced by something else. God's laws forever give and never take.

Miracles I'm noticing:

When I really think about today's lesson, I realize how enslaved to laws other than God's I have been over my lifetime - especially the one about money. I know I have been under the belief that I need to have, as today's lesson says, "stacks of green paper strips and piles of metal discs." The freedom I feel when I can give up the fear around money is amazing. When I can really think about the things I think I fear, and determine whether or not those are authentic fears, I find out that more often than not, the laws I'm holding myself to are not God's. Today's lesson reminds us that God's laws forever give and never take. I won't be giving up anything and will be gaining everything when I can really get that.

Yesterday I spent the morning with a colleague who may be collaborating with me on another book. I noticed myself speaking more than I should have a couple of times. I am noticing my need to be right and to be validated lately. When I can be quiet and listen - knowing the light has come and I am under no laws but God's - it is much easier to help validate others by listening to them instead. I really do notice the difference in my conversations and dialogue when I shut up and listen. That is a shift from fear to love - and it's a miracle.

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