Thursday, March 08, 2007

Day 67

Today's Lesson:

Love created me like itself.
Today the idea is to begin to identify ourselves as we really are, not what we believe we are. We are trying to undo the definition of God we have made and replace it with God's Own definition. We are also trying to emphasize that each of us is part of God's definition of Himself.

During the longer practice period, we are to add relevant thoughts, thinking of any attribute which is in accord with God as He defines Himself. Examples are:

Holiness created me holy.
Kindness created me kind.
Helpfulness created me helpful.
Perfection created me perfect.

We are part of God's definition of Himself.

After we have gone over these thoughts, we are asked to try to let all thoughts drop away for a brief interval, and then try to reach past all our images and preconceptions about ourselves to the truth in us. If love created us as itself, this Self must be in us. And somewhere in our minds It is there for us to find.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Today's lesson brings with it - for me - a big sense of relief. I'm not alone in this journey and all I need to do is repeat today's idea throughout the day to remind me. In theory this is just not that difficult - but of course, in reality we have so many distractions to keep us from the Self that is part of us. It's really very simple.

Yesterday I had a couple of really great meetings. As I become more comfortable with my true Self - the Self that today's lesson reminds me I am, I find that I am most comfortable with creating bigger small talk - by getting beyond the conversations about the weather and digging deep with whatever topic is at hand. I met with someone yesterday who wants me to help their non-profit organization put some development opportunities into their agenda throughout the year and it was easy to talk about how their organization really does make a difference in the world and how they can step that up a notch by getting beyond the rote meetings and "check-it-off-the-list" activities they do. It was fun to see this person get inspired just in our half-hour conversation by all the possibilities. That's what I love most about the Light I know is in me. I can see it ignite in others through our dialogue.

My business partner and I also talked with a management consultant yesterday who is going to help us get our business up and running in a bigger arena. That was also fun, because we were able to cause the same inspiration in him through our conversation. I'm so excited to see what will happen as each of us who is reading this lesson or this blog post realizes that Love created us like itself - and then lives into that reality - in our families, in our work, in our communities, and just in our world in general.

Gives a new picture to that old song "My future's so bright I've gotta wear shades"!


Anonymous said...

Jodi, it sounds like there is no stopping you now, I will be glad to say I knew you "when". Your daily writings are a lifeline for me when I am on the road here! Thanks

Jodee Bock said...


I'm so glad you are enjoying the lessons. Hope your trip is bearable - and even enjoyable. Create that possibility! See you soon!