Saturday, December 08, 2007

Day 342

Today's Lesson:

I let forgiveness rest upon all things,
For thus forgiveness will be given me.

I thank You, Father, for Your plan to save me from the hell I made. I ti s not real. And You have given me the means to prove its unreality to me. The key is in my hand, and I have reached the door beyond which lies the end of dreams. I stand before the gate of Heaven, wondering if I should enter in and be at home. Let me not wait again today. Let me forgive all things, and let creation be as You would have it be and as it is. Let me remember that I am Your Son, and opening the door at last, forget illusions in the blazing light of truth, as memory of You returns to me.

Brother, forgive me now. I come to you to take you home with me. And as we go, the world goes with us on our way to God.

Miracles I'm noticing:

A good friend of mine who just had a baby 2 months ago was informed by her husband that he wants a divorce. It's in times like this that I realize how much this course has meant and continues to mean to me. As I consider today's lesson and my friend's situation, I see that the best way for her to begin to live her own life is to forgive him. That way forgiveness will be given to her. I realize how difficult it must be to see that right now, and her anger and bitterness and upset are what she needs to feel right now. But I'm holding space for her as she figures things out for herself and her new baby.

Today's lesson tells us that we can make the decision to walk through the gate of Heaven right now without delay. We can choose to let creation be as God has it be without trying to make it be something else. And with that choice comes forgiveness and freedom.

Choose that today and see how your outlook on life will change from hell to Heaven. That recognition is the miracle for today!

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