Saturday, December 01, 2007

Day 335

Today's Lesson:

I choose to see my brother's sinlessness.

Forgiveness is a choice. I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception. What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth. It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings. I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this. My brother's sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own. And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.

What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother's sinlessness? His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself. In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well.

Miracles I'm noticing:

It seems as though I'm not noticing the miracles as much as I used to because I'm getting more and more used to the miracles that surround me. It's becoming second nature for miracles to be everywhere. I'm noticing that I see what I believe and the world is looking much more beautiful to me and that's becoming "normal." I really don't notice the "bad" things as much anymore because I've become much more aware of my brother's sinlessness. Taking a step back and acknowledging that is really cool.

An example is yesterday's master mind studying the book Working With the Law. We spent an hour talking about that book in a very spiritual dimension and when I really stop and think about that, it's probably pretty unusual that 12 people would take an hour out of the middle of their Friday to gather together and talk about Universal Laws in a very spiritual dimension.

There is one man who is new to our group (the rest of us were together studying Think and Grow Rich) and yesterday at the end of the dialogue he said that he wasn't thinking about this information in the same realm we were. He said that we were talking very much more spiritually than he was thinking. He just sees universal laws as the way it is. He grew up with a father who was very into Think and Grow Rich and Tony Robbins and all kinds of works like that, so my theory is that he doesn't have as much to undo as the rest of us might. But it was great to have his perspective. That is what I mean by miracles just being the way it is for me in the way I see things. I'm much more grateful for everything instead of judging it and I really noticed that yesterday.

So, although I'm certainly not "there" by any means, today's miracle is noticing how far I've come on this journey to seeing my brother's sinlessness. Blessed and grateful!

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