Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 208

Today's Review:

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

(188) The peace of God is shining in me now.

I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me. And in that stillness we will find the peace of God. It is within my heart, which witnesses to God Himself.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Miracles I'm noticing:

It occurred to me last night as I was attending a Core Passion workshop my friend Jodie was conducting that every training event, every technique or process or learning system, every certification is simply something that someone, somewhere made up at some point in time. Standards and norms and regulations were once only in someone's imagination. It's just that someone, somewhere had enough courage or knowledge or drive or passion or insight to make a standard of their beliefs and knowledge, and eventually others adopted that standard.

I wonder how often I might doubt my knowing about things because it's mine and believe that I have to defer to an authority or someone who knows better (or has published a book or developed a patent or announced a standard) to get "the right answer."

I used to be deathly afraid, for some reason, that if I had an idea or an insight that wasn't referenced somehow to something I'd read somewhere else that my thought would be rejected and, in turn, I would be rejected. It was a lot easier to accept rejection or ridicule if it was really someone else's statistic or belief or insight than if it were an original thought. Besides, I think I wanted to show that I was well-read and that it couldn't be such a bad idea if someone else had shared it with me. Another reason I felt I had to quote the source of an idea that matched mine was so that in case you looked it up, you wouldn't think I had plagiarized. Fear, fear, fear.

I'm so happy and grateful now that I have enough confidence to think for myself and to trust my own knowing without having to quote the source. Or that I can use someone else's original thought and build upon that to create my own insight.

Maybe that's not a profound, new, original thought. But for me it really clicked last night and allowed me to see things in a slightly new way for myself. If everything is only made up anyway, maybe there is something I can know or understand in a way that might be unique and helpful. Instead of being so afraid of messing up, I can finally bare my authentic knowingness and deal with the consequences of people's feedback without fear. When I can get into that authentic knowingness, more often than not people don't have anything to criticize or laugh at anyway because it comes from a place of connection to truths that we all share anyway.

Fear is universal, but so is love. And people resonate much more authentically and at a higher level with love and truth and honesty and beauty. I'm blessed and grateful that I can see the light!

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