Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 145

Today's Review:

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(129) Beyond this world there is a world I want.
(130) It is impossible to see two worlds.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Today's text helps remind us about today's review by helping us understand the distinction between perception and knowledge - which could represent the two worlds it is impossible to see. There is nothing partial about knowledge. Every aspect is whole, and therefore no aspect is separate. Perception, at its loftiest, is never complete. Perception can reach everywhere under the Holy Spirit's guidance, but no perception, however holy, will last forever.

Every miracle we offer to the Son of God is but the true perception of one aspect of the whole. Though every aspect is the whole, we cannot know this until we see that every aspect is the same, perceived in the same light and therefore one. Everyone seen without the past thus bring us nearer to the end of time by bringing healed and healing sight into the darkness, and enabling the world to see. For light must come into the darkened world to make Christ's vision possible even here.

Again, this reminds me of the analogy we're using for my company, Bock's Office. If you go to a movie and react to the flickering lights on the screen as if that were the reality, you would not be making a real difference in the outcome of the movie. If you wanted to make a real difference, you would have to go up to the projection booth and change the actual film in the projector.

That's what we must do in our own lives. The projection is simply a measure of our perception and, no matter how perfect our perception is, it will never be complete: the projection on the screen of our lives is merely showing the world our perception. Every day we show people who we are by our actions and words. Only by getting to the root cause - changing the film in the projector - can we show the world who we really are, and that can only happen with the Holy Spirit's guidance. Knowledge is far beyond our individual concern. We who are part of it and all of it need only realize that it is of the Father, not of us. Our role in the redemption leads us to it by re-establishing its oneness in our minds.

Today's text also tells us that our own perfection is unwitnessed in this world. God knows it but we do not, and so we do not share His witness to it. God waits our witness to His Son and to Himself. The miracles we do on earth are lifted up to Heaven and to Him. They witness to what we do not know, and as they reach the gates of Heaven, God will open them.

So our job here is to start noticing those miracles - where our thoughts shift from fear to love. Rest assured that even if we don't realize all those miracles all the time, God does. Our job here is to open our eyes and notice. Notice when you smile at someone on the street and it gives them a spring in their step that wasn't there before. That's a miracle. Notice when you let someone go in front of you in line at the grocery store. That's a miracle. Just notice what you notice and you'll see miracles everywhere. That's what will combine your witness with God's. That's what brings us back together instead of separating us. Miracles are everywhere - just start noticing them!

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