Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Day 142

Today's Review:

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(123) I thank my Father for His gifts to me.
(124) Let me remember I am one with God.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Being thankful and grateful gives a totally different vantage point from which to see everything. Today's text reminds us that "the past can cast no shadow to darken the present, unless you are afraid of light." And as I remember that, it becomes easier and easier to see people and situations only in the present - only in the light. Any time I find myself not open to what I currently see in front of me, I am reminded that it is probably the past through which I am seeing that person or that situation - either his past or mine. That should really be a reminder to me any time anything upsets or frustrates me. There should never be an opportunity to be frustrated or upset unless it's being shrouded in shadows from the past.

Today's text also says "To be born again is to let the past go, and look without condemnation upon the present. The cloud that obscures God's Son to you is the past, and if you would have it past and gone, you must not see it now. If you see it now in your illusions, it has not gone from you, although it is not there."

The present is the miracle. Seeing my brothers in the light instead of in the darkness I've created through my own nightmares is certainly what I would choose instead. Every circumstance is an opportunity to practice miracle mindedness. As I choose the light - love - peace - oneness, I choose the miracle.

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