Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day 339

Today's Lesson:

I will receive whatever I request.

No one desires pain. But he can think that pain is pleasure. No one would avoid his happiness. But he can think that joy is painful, threatening and dangerous. Everyone will receive what he requests. But he can be confused indeed about the things he wants; the state he would attain. What can he then request that he would want when he receives it? He has asked for what will frighten him, and bring him suffering. Let us resolve today to ask for what we really want, and only this, that we may spend this day in fearlessness, without confusing pain with joy, or fear with love.

Father, this is Your day. It is a day in which I would do nothing by myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do; requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts You share with me.

Miracles I'm noticing:

This is such a great lesson! What a wonderful thing to remember - that I will do nothing by myself. I can remember a time in my life when I really did feel alone; fortunately, since I've been studying this course and surrounding myself with a posse of wonderful people, I haven't felt that for a long time. But I can imagine what people who don't know this information can feel. I have a friend now who is going through a nasty divorce with a little baby and a big house and I know she's feeling very alone. I'm thinking my best offering is my love and light as she goes through this time. I can't change anyone else and I know she has to be in a space of sorrow and loss and anger and pain right now. I wish I knew how to help her, but maybe my love and light will be the best thing for her right now.

No one desires pain ... I have to keep telling myself that as I see her, and so many others, in pain. It also reminds me of Ho'oponopono: I love you, I'm sorry, thank you, please forgive me. That is another thing I can do to help her right now. I'm going to meditate on that thought and today's lesson: "I will receive whatever I request."

Awareness is a miracle and I'm so blessed and grateful for my awareness!

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