Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day 226

Today's Lesson:

My home awaits me. I will hasten there.

If I so choose, I can depart this world entirely. It is not death which makes this possible, but it is change of mind about the purpose of the world. If I believe it has a value as I see it now, so will it still remain for me. But if I see no value in the world as I behold it, nothing that I want to keep as mine or search for as a goal, it will depart from me. For I have not sought for illusions to replace the truth.

Father, my home awaits my glad return. Your Arms are open and I hear Your Voice. What mind have I to linger in a place of vain desires and of shattered dreams, when Heaven can so easily be mine?

Miracles I'm noticing:

The first time I read this passage this morning I was a little confused. But upon a second reading, I realize it is all about changing my mind about the world I see. It reminds me of Gary Renard's book "The Disappearance of the Universe." If we decide to, we can alter the way we see everything, including the entire universe. By simply choosing to see the world the way we've been studying here, we can forgive ourselves and others for things they haven't done, but that we have held them to. We can shift from a perception of fear to a perception of love, and see Heaven instead of what we see right here in this physical existence.

I know that's a much more attractive place for me to place my understanding. As I line up my thoughts, feelings and actions, I alter my attitude, and that produces a much higher vibrational level in my being, which attracts people and things to that level of vibration instead of the one that is lower and heavier. It makes sense to me as I study Bob Proctor and Wayne Dyer - and I am seeing the results in my physical being.

I can choose Heaven over anything else. What a miracle!

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