Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 224

Today's Lesson:

God is my Father, and He loves His Son.

My true Identity is so secure, so lofty, sinless, glorious and great, wholly beneficent and free from guilt, that Heaven looks to It to give it light. It lights the world as well. It is the gift my Father gave to me; the one as well I give the world. There is no gift but this that can be either given or received. This is reality, and only this. This is illusion's end. It is the truth.

My Name, O Father, still is known to You. I have forgotten It, and do not know where I am going, who I am, or what it is I do. Remind me, Father, now for I am weary of the world I see. Reveal what You would have me see instead.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I've been thinking a lot about the Truth recently. I think people really are craving the Truth - with a capital T - but they may not really know what it is they are craving. It seems to me that people are getting to the point where what they have been doing just isn't working anymore. There is frustration in families, in jobs, in community activities, in politics and education and religion. People are realizing that something is missing, but they may not know what it is.

I'm really feeling called to figure out how to integrate what I'm learning here from this Course with business. The Proctor materials I'm learning are a great start. The foundation for Proctor's work is spirituality - a Higher Source - a Knowing - the Truth. Byron Katie's "The Work" is based on Truth, although she may not capitalize it. The 12 step recovery programs all have a Higher Self as the foundation. Wayne Dyer's new book is all about the Tao - the Great Way - the Truth.

As I realize this for myself and my business, I want to start integrating it into other businesses I do work with. I'm not sure yet how it looks, but I worked all day yesterday to put together some ideas about this. I'm also thinking it may end up in my next book, which maybe will be called "The 200% Factor" where 100% is the outside results and 100% is the inside work. We might have to turn ourselves inside out in order to achieve the results we want on the outside. And it's got to start on the inside in order to manifest the results we want on the outside. That's the true meaning of "Rich," as I'm learning from studying the book "Think and Grow Rich."

So for me, that's the miracle of the weekend. Seeing the softer side of things ... noticing the love ... produces hard results; I just have to be willing to see them. Love conquers fear without conquering it at all. The light absorbs the darkness.

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