Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 162

Today's Lesson:

I am as God created me.

This single thought, held firmly in the mind, would save the world. From time to time we will repeat it, as we reach another stage in learning. It will mean far more to us as we advance. These words are sacred, for they are the words God gave in answer to the world we made. By them it disappears, and all things seen within its misty clouds and vaporous illusions vanish as these words are spoken. For they come from God.

Holy indeed is he who makes these words his own; arising with them in his mind, recalling them throughout the day, at night bringing them with him as he goes to sleep. His dreams are happy and his rest secure, his safety certain and his body healed, because he sleeps and wakens with the truth before him always. He will save the world, because he gives the world what he receives each time he practices the words of truth.

Today we practice simply. For the words we use are mighty, and they need no thoughts beyond themselves to change the mind of him who uses them. So wholly is it changed that it is now the treasury in which God places all His gifts and all His Love, to be distributed to all the world, increased in giving; kept complete because its sharing is unlimited. And thus we learn to think with God. Christ's vision has restored our sight by salvaging our mind.

We are honored today. Ours is the right to perfect holiness we now accept. With this acceptance is salvation brought to everyone, for who could cherish sin when holiness like this has blessed the world? Who could despair when perfect joy is ours, available to all as remedy for grief and misery, all sense of loss, and for complete escape from sin and guilt?

We are as God created us. These words dispel the night, and darkness is no more. The light is come today to bless the world. For we have recognized the Son of God, and in that recognition is the world's.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I really resonate with today's lesson. I do believe that if each of us accepted those words - "I am as God created me" - we really could change the world. I've spent so much of my life trying desperately to be what I'm not - to be what I thought others wanted me to be - and have had to reacquaint myself with who I really am.

Today's text talks about the truth. It says that the search for truth is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth. Truth is. It can neither be lost nor sought nor found. It is there, wherever you are, being within you. If you hide it, it becomes unreal to you because you hid it and surrounded it with fear.

That truth is who we each are - and we are as God created us. That is the truth. We have been defining ourselves as we are not created. Our creation was not a point of view, but rather a certainty. Uncertainty brought to certainty does not retain any conviction of reality.

The text goes on to say that our emphasis has been on bringing what is undesirable to the desirable; what we do not want to what we do. We will realize that salvation must come to us this way, if we consider what dissociation is. Dissociation is a distorted process of thinking whereby two systems of belief which cannot coexist are both maintained. If they are brought together, their joint acceptance becomes impossible. But if one is kept in darkness from the other, their separation seems to keep them both alive and equal in their reality. Their joining thus becomes a source of fear, for if they meet, acceptance must be withdrawn from one of them.

We also learn that light cannot enter darkness when a mind believes in darkness, and will not let it go. Truth does not struggle against ignorance, and love does not attack fear. Wat needs no protection does not defend itself. We make defense. God does not know it. Because we've made defense, the Holy Spirit will use defenses on behalf of truth. This is the role of the Holy Spirit - to use the defenses we have made to turn our self-destruction to means of preservation and release.

We are not asked to do these mighty tasks by ourselves. We are merely asked to do the little the Holy Spirit suggests we do, trusting Him only to the small extent of believing that, if He asks it, we can do it. We will see how easily all that He asks can be accomplished.

This is such a relief! We are simply to bring Him all those secrets we have locked away. He holds the light and we the darkness. They cannot coexist when both of Us together look on them. We cannot see alone. Sharing perception with Him Who God has given us teaches us how to recognize what we see.

I am as God created me. That realization and acceptance is a wonderful miracle!

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