Sunday, April 08, 2007

Day 98

Today's Lesson:

I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

Today we dedicate ourselves to truth, and to salvation as God planned it to be. In gladness we accept it as it is, and take the part assigned to us by God. All our doubts we lay aside today, and take our stand with certainty of purpose, and with thanks that doubt is gone and surety has come. All our sins are washed away by realizing they were but mistakes.

When we are guiltless we have no fear, because we are safe and recognize our safety. We rest in quiet certainty that we will do what it is given us to do.

Today's lesson guarantees us our full release from pain of every kind, and joy the world does not contain. We can exchange a little of our time for peace of mind and certainty of purpose, with the promise of complete success. And since time has no meaning, we are being asked for nothing in return for everything. It is a bargain we cannot lose.

All we need to do is give God five minutes and He will accept our words and give them back to us all bright with faith and confidence so strong and steady they will light the world with hope and gladness.

Miracles I'm noticing:

As I realize my part in lighting the world, it becomes much easier to simply let go of my own "stuff" that keeps me stuck where I am. Today's lesson shows us that as we accept our part in God's plan for salvation, we really do have a huge effect on the world. This kind of supports the Law of Attraction - what we think about we bring about. If we are worried and believe we are sinful, we will allow guilt to guide our lives. But today's lesson tells us that the guiltless have no fear because they know they are safe. I choose not to let guilt rule my life anymore and that has had a huge effect on my ability to live my own purpose. I really do see that others are more attracted to me when I am concentrating on and being LOVE rather than when I let my thoughts and energy be stifled by FEAR. It's easy to notice how others respond when I send loving energy their way. Whether it's a cashier at the gas station or the mail delivery person - sending love returns love. That's a miracle for sure.

A Little Bit About The Resurrection

Today is Easter, and I'd like to take a minute and remind myself about the Resurrection. Where this Holy Week spends time on Thursday and Friday talking about death and crucifixion, today is all about rebirth, reawakening and resurrection.

This is from the Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers and shows us what Easter is really all about.

Very simply, the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of death. It is a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit's interpretation of the world's purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of dreams of misery, and the glad awareness of the Holy Spirit's final dream. It is the recognition of the gifts of God.

The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of life. Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind perceived as hell. Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed.

As long as any mind remains possessed of evil dreams, the thought of hell is real. God's teachers have the goal of wakening the minds of those asleep, and seeing there the vision of Christ's face to take the place of what they dream. The thought of murder is replaced with blessing. Judgment is laid by, and given Him Whose function judgment is. And in His Final Judgment is restored the truth about the holy Son of God. He is redeemed, for he has heard God's Word and understood its meaning. He is free because he let God's Voice proclaim the truth. And all he sought before to crucify are resurrected with him, by his side, as he prepares with them to meet his God.

Happy Resurrection Day!

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