Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 111

We are now ready for Review III.

During the next few days, we are to devote five minutes twice a day, or longer if we would prefer it, to considering the thoughts that are assigned. Read over the ideas and comments that are given for each day's exercise. And then begin to think about them, while letting our minds relate them our our needs, our seeming problems and all our concerns.

We are to place the ideas within our minds, and let them use them as they choose. Give your mind faith that it will use them wisely, being helped in its decisions by the One Who gave the thoughts to you.

Each day's review assignments - which are suggested to be completed during the first 5 minutes of the day and the 5 minutes before sleep - will conclude with a restatement of the thought to use each hour, and the one to be applied on each half hour as well. Forget them not. The second chance with each of these ideas will bring such large advances that we come from these reviews with learning gains so great we will continue on more solid ground, with firmer footsteps and with stronger faith.

Do not forget how little you have learned.
Do not forget how much you can learn now.
Do not forget your Father's need of you,
As you review these thoughts He gave to you.

Today's Lesson:

For morning and evening review:

(91) Miracles are seen in light.

I cannot see in darkness. Let the light of holiness and truth light up my mind, and let me see the innocence within.

(92) Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.

I see through strength, the gift of God to me. My weakness is the dark His gift dispels, by giving me His strength to take its place.

On the hour:
Miracles are seen in light.

On the half hour:
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I'm very grateful for these practice periods, and for the opportunity to use this time to increase my ability to study and retain these lessons. I am reminded of how very easy this course is if I get out of my ego and into my Spirit. I love how there is no judgment and it is so loving and accepting and committed to my success.

As my business grows, I am challenged daily to play bigger, which involves more cash outlay than I'm used to. As doubt and fear creep in to this bigger arena, I am given more and more opportunities to practice what I'm learning here and am challenged to remember what I Know. When I can listen and allow Spirit to guide me, there are no fears, only Love and confidence that I am living the life I am meant to live.

I am truly blessed and duly grateful!

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