Friday, April 20, 2007

Day 110

Today's Lesson:

I am as God created me.

This one thought would be enough to save us and the world, if we believed that it is true. Its truth would mean that we have made no changes in ourselves that have reality, nor changed the universe so that what God created was replaced by fear and evil, misery and death. If we remain as God created us fear has no meaning, evil is not real, and misery and death do not exist.

Today's idea is all we need to let complete correction heal our minds, and give us perfect vision that will heal all the mistakes that any mind has made at any time or place. It is enough to heal the past and make the future free. It is enough to let the present be accepted as it is. It is enough to let time be the means for all the world to learn escape from time, and every change that time appears to bring in passing by.

If we remain as God created us, appearances cannot replace the truth, health cannot turn to sickness, nor can death be substitute for life, or fear for love.

The healing power of today's idea is limitless. It is the birthplace of all miracles, the great restorer of the truth to the awareness of the world. Practice today's idea with gratitude. This is the truth that comes to set us free. This is the truth that God has promised us. This is the Word in which all sorrow ends.

For our five-minute practice periods, begin with with this quotation from the text:

I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I am His Son.

The with this statement firmly in our minds, we are to try to discover in our minds the Self Who is the holy Son of God Himself.

We are as God created us. Today we are to honor our Self. Let graven images we made to be the Son of God instead of what he is be worshipped not today. Deep in our minds the holy Christ in us is waiting our acknowledgment as us. And we are lost and do not know ourselves while He is unacknowledged and unknown.

Remember Him throughout the day with thankful hearts and loving thoughts for all who meet with us today. Let us declare this truth as often as we can. This is the Word of God that sets us free. This is the key that opens up the gate of Heaven and lets us enter in the peace of God and His eternity.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I know that everything happens for a reason and time means nothing; however, I can't help but think about how my life could have been had I realized and acknowledged today's lesson sooner. I wouldn't be where I am unless I had gone through everything I've gone through, however. I'm just grateful that I am figuring this out now!

Today's text reminds us that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not speak to an unwilling host, because He will not be heard. But if we think like Him every so slightly, the little spark becomes a blazing light and fills our minds so that He becomes our only Guest. Whenever we ask the ego to enter, we lessen His welcome. He will remain, but we have allied ourselves against Him. Whatever journey we choose to take, He will go with us, waiting.

The text also asks us, "Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God? You will accept only whom you invite....The Holy Spirit is there, although He cannot help you without your invitation. And the ego is nothing, whether you invite it or not. Real freedom depends on welcoming reality, and of your guests only the Holy Spirit is real."

This makes things so much clearer and easier to choose. Why wouldn't we choose to be host to God? As we've learned from The Secret, we simply have to notice how we feel. Doesn't it feel better to be host to God than hostage to the ego? Then let's choose that. Choosing love over fear feels so much better than the other way around. And it's so nice to know that even if the ego gets in the way, Spirit doesn't go away. He is still there waiting for the slightest invitation.

Marianne Williamson said, in one of her lectures, that sometimes we may have to "fake it 'til we make it," or act as if we are what we want to be. She says behavior modification is not the same as real transformation, but it helps us along the way. If we can recognize that we aren't being what we really want to be and aren't doing what we really want to do, we can acknowledge for ourselves those times when Spirit does win out over ego and celebrate them. All our Spirit and lightwork is cumulative and it may take some practice to build our spiritual muscles. On the other hand, Yoda tells us that there is no try, there is just do or not do.

So today we can choose. Yoda or Marianne. Either way the true test will be to look back over our shoulder at the end of each day and notice how far we've come. Celebrate that we are as God created us. And look ahead to tomorrow with peace and love and joy. That's the miraculous path I choose.

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