Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 314

Today's Lesson:

I seek a future different from the past.

From new perception of the world there comes a future very different from the past. The future now is recognized as but extension of the present. Past mistakes can cast no shadows on it, so that fear has lost its idols and its images, and being formless, it has no effects. Death will not claim the future now, for life is now its goal, and all the needed means are happily provided. Who can grieve or suffer when the present has been freed, extending its security and peace into a quiet future filled with joy?

Father, we were mistaken in the past, and choose to use the present to be free. Now do we leave the future in Your Hands, leaving behind our past mistakes, and sure that You will keep Your present promises, and guide the future in their holy light.

Miracles I'm noticing:

I remember a day when I used to obsess over having said the "wrong" thing or made a stupid mistake or lived through an embarrassing moment. I had a hard time letting those things go, and I remember defining myself through my past. The only thing that did was keep me in that moment into the future, so that my future really did begin to look a lot like that past where I "screwed up." That was the future I ended up living into and I began to see myself as someone who was never good enough.

Today's lesson reminds us that we can make a new choice right now - in the present - independent of what has happened in the past. That will change everything right now, which means that the future will look completely different from the past.

Make up your mind to change your mind right now about whatever the past has been in your existence. Know that you were merely mistaken in the past ... you just didn't know. But now that you have new awareness, you have new choices to make - and a new future to live into.

That's certainly a miracle!

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