Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 144

Today's Review:

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(127) There is no love but God's.
(128) The world I see holds nothing that I want.

Miracles I'm noticing:

Today's text does a great job in defining the world I see. The world I see is built by the ego, and everything the ego tells us that we need will hurt us. Although the ego urges us again and again to get things, it leaves nothing, for what we get it will demand of us. It is programmed to exist in a scarcity mentality, and, since it is based on fear, it sees separation instead of unity - separation from the things as well as the people. What we think we need will merely serve to tighten up our world against the light, and render us unwilling to question the value that this world can really hold for us.

The Holy Spirit knows that everything we really need He provides for us, and will renew them as long as we have need of them. He will take nothing from us as long as we have any need of it. But He really knows that everything we need is temporary, and will last only until we step aside from all our needs and realize that we already have whatever it is we really need.

It's so much easier, then, to leave all our needs to Him. Under His guidance, we will travel light and journey lightly, for His sight is always on the journey's end, which is His goal.

Today's text also tells us that whenever we are tempted to undertake a useless journey that would lead away from light, remember what we really want, and say:

The Holy Spirit leads me unto Christ, and where else would I go? What need have I but to awake in Him?

As I think more about the distinction in my everyday life between fear and love, I'm reminded of a story from Monday's and yesterday's local paper about a small school here in North Dakota where three of the graduating seniors have qualified for and will be competing in the state track meet about 200 miles away from their town. That's a great accomplishment for a small school, and something every athlete works and trains hard for. The problem is that that school's graduation ceremony is scheduled for Friday night at 7 p.m., and there's no way the students could possibly get back in time, even if they flew. The students were being forced to choose between competing at the state track meet and graduating, and all three of them chose the track meet.

Delaying the ceremony one hour would allow them to be back in time to graduate with their class. But the school board on Monday was adamant about keeping the start time where it was. According to the article, announcements already had been sent to out-of-town family and friends. The school board president added that "it's unfortunate for [the three students.]"

But on Tuesday it was reported that the other 15 graduating seniors and the parents of all the seniors had petitioned the school board for a later start time so the class could graduate together. According to the school board president, “The entire senior class and their parents are in support of changing the time. I want to do what’s in the best interest of all.”

Now I don't fault the school board president. It is evident to me that he is operating in a fear-based mode. He knows what he wants and it's to adhere to the rules, even at the expense of what's best for everyone. When others helped him see that love would provide a better outcome, he was persuaded to change his mind. It really is that simple. Love and light can provide a safe and happy outcome to any challenge, and the way to change the world is to change our minds.

Today's text goes on to say that we should follow the Holy Spirit (love) in joy, with faith that He will lead us safely through all dangers to our peace of mind this world may set before us (pressures to do the "right" thing as the president of the school board, for example).

That small act by the North Sargent High School seniors and parents is changing the world and bathing it in love and light. That's surely a miracle in real life! Thanks to the three athletes for following your hearts - and to the classmates who stood for what they believed in as well. You're a great example of miracle-mindedness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jodi, you are so right, it is so good to remember our miracles! Sharon